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This is the Carl Trygger Foundation

The Foundation was established through a donation in 1961 based on the Trygger family’s considerable shareholding in AB Iggesund. Since then, the Carl Trygger Foundation has distributed major research grants in the natural sciences. Each year, about 150 different projects receive a total of about 90 million SEK.

About the Foundation


The Carl Trygger Foundation for Scientific Research supports research in the natural sciences and their technological applications. Medical science falls outside of the Foundation’s area. 

The Foundation supports research that is important for Sweden in areas such as physics, chemistry, technology, biology, ecology, geology, as well as forest and agricultural science. Grants have also been awarded to instrument development in these disciplines.

The history of the Foundation

The Carl Trygger Foundation was established through a donation dated April 9, 1961. The donor Carl Trygger was born in Uppsala in 1894 as the only son of Ernst and Signe (née Söderström) Trygger. After a bachelor’s degree in law at Stockholm University, Carl Trygger started his career at Göteborgs Bank.

During the 1930s, the Trygger family, with the former Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and right-wing politician Ernst Trygger and his son Carl, became the primary owners of the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Carl Trygger also became its CEO and editor-in-chief between 1934 and 1940. The increasingly dark political development in Europe made the Trygger family feel worried about how they could secure the newspaper’s line and independence, and in 1940 the Svenska Dagbladet Foundation was formed, which took over ownership of the newspaper.

Carl Trygger then served, among other things, as chairman of the board of AB IggesundsBruk and Boxholms AB, where the family had considerable assets through Signe Trygger’s heritage. The Foundation’s original donation consisted of Iggesund shares worth 9 million SEK. When Carl Trygger died in 1978, an additional amount of eight million SEK was added to the Foundation through Tryggers’ will. During the Foundation’s first financial year, SEK 180,000 was distributed. The development of the capital has been excellent, and so far, the Foundation has been able to support the country’s research with about one billion SEK.

Carl Trygger also founded Carl Trygger’s scholarship and support fund for Boxholm, which distributes scholarships to young students in Boxholm.

Board and contact information

Chairman of the Board: Professor Christer Larsson
CEO: Professor Nils Mårtensson
Finance Manager: Candidate of law Sture Lindgren
Administration: Suzanne Friborg

Questions regarding payment of grants and scholarships are sent directly to Please include the project number in the subject line.

Postal and visiting address:

Carl Tryggers Foundation for Scientific Research
Strandvägen 7B, entrance 3, n.b.
114 56 Stockholm


Phone: 08-663 86 00

The board is based in Stockholm with organisation number 802006-4971.

Who can apply?

The Foundation supports research in areas such as physics, chemistry, technology, biology, ecology, geology, as well as forest and agricultural science. Medical research falls outside the Foundation’s area.

Grants can be given to an individual or, in exceptional cases, to an institution or organisation.

The grant recipient must typically have a doctor’s degree.

An application for a scholarship for a postdoc/guest researcher must be made by a researcher at the host institution and not by the guest researcher.

For some biological experiments, ethical approval is required, which must always be stated in the grant application. Before grants can be paid out for this type of biological experiment, a document of ethical approval must be presented.

Read more below about the rules for writing an application.

The grant application is made online. Click here to register and create an application.

Three types of grants

One can apply for the following types of grants: scholarships for incoming postdocs/guest researchers, grants for running costs/equipment, and a category denoted “special grant”, which applies to projects that do not include scholarships or running costs for scientific projects. A postdoc scholarship and grants for running costs/equipment can be applied for in the same application.

Category 1: Postdoc scholarship

Project funding can be provided in the form of a postdoctoral fellowship. The scholarship is usually for two years (1+1 years) and from 2024 it amounts to SEK 336,000 per year. The second year of the scholarship requires that a report for the progress of the postdoc during the first year has been approved.

The scholarship is administered by the Foundation and is paid out quarterly, after requisition, directly to the postdoc. There is no overhead for this type of grant.

The scholarship is intended to pay for the education of the postdoctoral fellow, and it is not compensation for work performed. The scholarship is, therefore, not subject to taxation. The scholarship is to be regarded as a gift and the Foundation has no employer responsibility. The scholarship cannot be combined with a teaching commitment and may not, without the Foundation’s consent, be combined with a scholarship from another financier.

The application must be accompanied by a certificate from the person in charge (head of department or equivalent) that the research fellow is offered a workplace during the scholarship period. The responsibility for the working environment lies with the host institution.

The regulations for incoming guest researchers from the EU area must be taken into account concerning Swedish insurance coverage and the possibility of being registered in the Swedish Population Register for obtaining a personal identification number and bank account. The project responsible grant holder shall, in consultation with the research institution and the tax authority, ensure that this is handled when requesting a scholarship holder’s approval.

A postdoc candidate must be approved by the Foundation.

The grant application can be submitted with or without a proposed postdoctoral candidate.

Category 2: Running costs / equipment

This includes costs for equipment, running costs, travel, publishing costs, possible small contributions to salaries, including payroll tax, but not other central costs.

Applicants can be allocated funds for salary costs to a limited extent, but not where the support would correspond to a doctoral student position.

There are no defined rules for the size of a grant. If a project is judged to be particularly urgent and promising, the board is prepared to accept grant applications for larger amounts of one half and up to one million SEK.

Purchased equipment is the property of the host university.

The Carl Trygger Foundation’s grants are not compensation for contract research but intended to support projects initiated by an individual researcher or research group. Therefore, institutional overhead may only include additional direct costs caused by the project grant but not the department’s ongoing operations and similar general expenses. According to a board decision in March 2007, the overhead may amount to a maximum of 11 per cent and is automatically added with this percentage.

Category 3: Special grants

This grant category includes costs that are neither for a scholarship nor for covering the operating costs of a scientific research project. For example, this category may apply to grants for certain course activities, book projects, etcetera. The board decides in each case whether a grant of this kind falls within the framework of the Foundation’s activities.

Register and apply here

The grant application is made online. Click here to register and create the application.

Rules for grant applications

For the application to be approved, you must follow the Foundation’s rules. Please read the information below carefully before applying.

General rules

The board of The Carl Trygger Foundation accepts applications in May each year. Grants awarded are available for the following three calendar years.

Each applicant may only make one grant application. A scholarship and running costs may be applied for within the same application. Previously accepted running grants do not constitute a hindrance.

The application can be made in Swedish or English.

Applications for scholarships for incoming postdoctoral/guest researchers must be made by researchers at the host institution and not by the postdoc himself/herself.

For some biological experiments, ethical approval is required, which must always be stated in the grant application. Before the payment of grants for this type of biological experiment can be made, documentation of ethical approval must be presented.

When the digital grant application has been submitted (completed), you will receive a confirmation mail, where the application form is attached. This form should be signed by applicant and the head of the department/administrative responsible person. The signed form should then be uploaded on the Foundation’s website within 10 days from the application period’s end. A signed form is required for an approved application.

What should the application contain?

A completed application form.

Funding for category 1 (scholarship) and category 2 (operation, etcetera) is applied for simultaneously within the same project plan.

The project summary should be popular in its writing.

Other parts of the application are uploaded as separate (clearly named) documents.

The application must be supplemented with the following documents:

  • Project plan (max five pages) containing:
    • A description of the goals, methods and a time plan for the project.
    • A description of the scientific environment (staff, equipment, scientific collaboration) where the project is to be conducted.
    • An account of the research group’s available financial resources
    • A summary of research grants for the applicant and co-applicant during the last five years.
    • A commented budget.
  • Short CV (max. 2 pages) for the applicant.
  • List of publications for the applicant (last five years).
  • Certificate that a workplace is available. This is required for postdoc applications.
  • Any other appendices such as:
    • CV and publication list for a co-applicant
    • CV and publication list for a proposed postdoc
    • Document of ethical approval

Rules for postdocs (guest fellows)

Application for a postdoc scholarship can be made with or without information about a named candidate. When funded, the grant holder can announce the scholarship and later submit the CV and publication list of the candidate for approval by the Foundation.

The Carl Trygger Foundation approves postdoc candidates based on the proposal from the project responsible grant recipient. The proposal should contain a CV and a list of publications for the candidate.

The research fellow should have a doctoral degree or equivalent from an institution other than the host institution.

Unless there are particular circumstances, the doctoral degree cannot be older than six years at the time of admission.

Candidates already working in the department in question can usually not be approved.

The regulations for incoming guest researchers from the EU area must be carefully considered concerning Swedish insurance coverage and the possibility of being registered in the Swedish Population Register for obtaining a personal identification number and a bank account. It is the grant recipient’s responsibility to, in consultation with the host department and the tax authority, ensure that this is done before the request for approval of a scholarship holder.

The scholarship is paid quarterly after requisition downloaded here to the account specified by the scholarship recipient.

For two-year scholarships, funds for the second year are available only when a brief account (1-2 pages) of the first year’s activity has been approved. The report, describing the progress made by the postdoc, should be submitted by the grant holder. The report is due one month before the start of the second year of the scholarship.


The Carl Trygger Foundation can finance international conferences, workshops and summer schools directed towards PhD students and young researchers. The board of the Foundation accepts applications for the organization of conferences twice per year, with deadlines in April and September. The support may amount to 50 000 – 200 000 SEK. An overhead of 11% is added to the amount. In certain cases, e.g. when a conference is hosted by a scientific society, the grant may be given as a Special grant without overhead.

The application can be made in Swedish or English. The application is made digitally on this website.

When the digital grant application has been submitted (completed), you will receive a confirmation mail, where the application form is attached. This form should be signed by the applicant and the head of the department/administrative responsible person. The signed form should then be uploaded on the Foundation’s website. The form has to be submitted within ten days after the deadline. A signed form is required for an approved application.

What should the application contain?

A completed application form with a popularly written summary. Other parts of the application are uploaded as separate (clearly named) documents.

The application should be supplemented with the following documents:

  • Project plan (max five pages) containing:
    • The name of the conference
    • A description of the goals of the conference and the scientific contents
    • A description of the impact on the scientific field
    • Estimated number of participants
    • List of (planned) invited speakers
    • Preliminary program
    • Time and place for the event
    • Budget where it is described what costs should be covered by the Carl Trygger Foundation and what costs are planned to be covered from other sources
    • Information about possible other funding
  • Short CV (max. 2 pages) for the applicant
  • List of publications for the applicant (last five years)
  • Any other appendices

Click here to register and create the application.

Requisition, payment & accounting

The scholarship is requested for one quarter at a time. Operations/equipment and special grants are paid out as a lump sum. When the grant application is approved, fill in a requisition to receive the payment. Read below about what applies. Below, you will find all relevant documents for download.


Payment of grants and scholarships takes place after a written requisition. The requisition is done on a particular document below, which must be signed by the grant recipient. The signed document should be sent to the Foundation’s office. The requisition states the project number and account to which payment is to be made.


Grants for running costs, etcetera (category 2) and special grants (category 3) are paid out as a lump sum.

Scholarships (category 1) are paid out, after requisition from the grant holder, for three months at a time, directly to the research fellow’s bank account.

A new requisition is required for each such three-month period.

For scholarships, the scholarship holder’s name and Swedish bank account number must be stated. For security reasons, account information should never be sent by email.

The Foundation is aware that it can take time for the research fellow to obtain a personal identification number and bank account in Sweden. It is therefore important that this process starts as soon as possible. For the first quarter, the first payment can, if necessary, be made to the research fellow’s foreign bank, provided that this is within the EU or the United Kingdom. It is the responsibility of the grant holder to ensure that the bank can handle payments in SEK from a Swedish bank. This is not the case for smaller banks.

For payment to a foreign bank, the following information has to be provided:

Name and address of the bank, IBAN and BIC.

For two-year scholarships, funds for the second year are available only after a brief account (1-2 pages) of the first year’s activity has been approved. The report, describing the progress made by the postdoc, should be submitted by the grant holder. The report is due at the latest one month before the start of the second year of the scholarship.

The Foundation makes payments once or twice a month. Therefore, requisitions should reach the Foundation’s office in good time.


Accounting details must be reported on the intended document, which you will find below.

The project’s scientific results and financial reporting must be reported no later than three months after the disposition period has expired. Together with the department or equivalent, the grant recipient is responsible for submitting the report within the prescribed time.

The first page of the document must contain a scientific report. The report is summarised in a short and concise form so that it fits within the specified space. Significant publications should be mentioned. Also, a brief scientific final report, as well as relevant appendices, may be attached.

Financial reporting of grants is provided on page 2 of the accounting document.

The completed accounting document should be signed by the grant recipient and the administrative manager at the unit where the project was conducted and sent to the Foundation by regular mail or email.


Documents for requisition and presentation of grants are in PDF format. Download and save to your computer and then open in Adobe Acrobat Reader or a similar program. Coloured fields in the documents can now be filled in directly on the computer. When done – save the completed document for printing and signing.

For the accounting document – click here

The document consists of two pages, the first referring to the scientific report and the second to the financial report. The document is in PDF format and is filled in on the computer. A signed document is sent to the Foundation by regular mail or email.

For the requisition document – click here

When requisitioning a scholarship, the three-month period for which the requisition is intended must be ticked.

Please note that the second year of the scholarship is available only after an accepted report.

Apply for a grant

You find the application form here. The Application page is in Swedish but you find all the instructions in English below.

The application must be submitted no later than the date stated on the application page for that particular year. The grant application must be made digitally, and a personal account is required for this.

If you already have an account: log in with your login details.

If you have forgotten your password – follow the instructions to reset it.

If you have never registered an account: register under New user and follow the instructions.

Your entered email address will be your username. If you should change you email adress when you have logged in, please note that the email you registered with will still be you username.

When your account is created, you will receive an email. Click on the link in the email to activate your account.

Grant application

The grant application is made digitally in the form on the application page that you reach when you log in. Attachments are uploaded in the box to the left of the form.

You can work on your grant application repeatedly. By clicking on the button ”Spara uppgifter”, the information will be saved, and you can return to the application at a later time.

When you are finished with your application and all files are uploaded, you submit your application by clicking “Skicka in”.

PLEASE NOTE that your application is locked and cannot be further edited once you have clicked “Skicka in”.

In connection with you clicking on “Skicka in”, a confirmation mail is generated which contains a pdf which you must print, sign and get signed by your head of department or equivalent.

The signed application should then be uploaded on the Foundation’s website within 10 days after deadline.

Other parts of the application are uploaded as separate (clearly named) documents.

The application should contain the following documents:

  • Project plan
  • Short CV (max. 2 pages) for the applicant.
  • List of publications for the applicants.
  • Certificate that a workplace is available. This is required for applications regarding postdocs.
  • Any additional appendices.